Village Legal Department

The Village Court is in session the first Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm in the courtroom of the Municipal Center.

The Court handles all Vehicle and Traffic, Village Code, and Penal Law Violations which are handled by the Village Prosecutor, along with Criminal Court (misdemeanor charges), which are handled by the Assistant District Attorney.

The Village Court is represented by Village Justice James C. Cosgrove, Associate Village Justice Sean O’Brien, and Prosecutor Charles A. Messina.

Fine Payments

All fine payments will be accepted Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm or Tuesday and Thursday 10 am to end of court.   Only money orders, bank certified checks, and Mastercard/VISA are accepted. Payment must be made in US funds.

Please be advised the court cannot accept fine payments over the phone.

Please make payable to Orchard Park Village Court.